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You can publish/unpublish conversations, prompts (or even a collection of those) and applications, making them accessible within your organization. Additionally, you can manage access to the published resources, ensuring that a particular resource is accessible to the authorized individuals or teams.

Watch a demo video to see publication feature in action.


Refer to AI DIAL API to view publications endpoints.

User Flow

You can publish resources such as conversations, prompts, files or applications by calling /v1/ops/publication/create to create a publication request. You can also create a mixed publication request, in which you can pass various resources in the request body with different action types. For example, you can pass a collection of new prompts with action type ADD and another collection of prompts with action type DELETE. This way you can publish one set of prompts and unpublish the other. Similarly, you can handle other resource types.

In the response, you get an object with the PENDING status, which is awaiting the action from the admin: approve or reject. While your request is pending, you can delete it by calling /v1/ops/publication/delete endpoint.

Admin Flow

As an administrator, you can get a list of publication requests awaiting your decision by calling /v1/ops/publication/list endpoint. Further, you can call /v1/ops/publication/get endpoint to get a specific publication request and then execute /v1/ops/publication/approve or /v1/ops/publication/reject to change its status.

Working with Rules

Use rules in publication requests to define or change access rules for specific folder(s). Note, that all resources (conversations, prompts, files, applications) placed in the root folder are always accessible to everyone. To apply access rules, it is necessary to create folders and apply rules to them.

You can call /v1/ops/publication/rules/list endpoint to get a list of all rules for the provided path (folder sequence). Then, call a /v1/ops/publication/create endpoint providing a path to a desired folder (targetFolderin the request body) and a list of rules to be changed. For instance, if you create a request with "targetFolder":"public/folder1/folder2/", it will only overwrite the rules for folder2, while the rules for folder1 will stay unchanged.

You can create a /v1/ops/publication/create request without the rules object to left the rules intact.

The effective access rules for a folder structure can be described as follows:

  1. Within a single folder, the effective access rule is determined by the logical OR operation applied to all the access rules assigned to that folder. For example, in folder A with access rules a, b, and c, the effective rule is "a OR b OR c".
  2. Between nested folders, the effective access rule is determined by the logical AND operation applied between the effective rules of the parent folder and its subfolder. For example, if folder B with access rules d, e, and f is nested under folder A, the effective rule for accessing folder B is "(a OR b OR c) AND (d OR e OR f)".